It is not harmless they are healthy - Side effects of treatment with herbs |
Besides its balmy effect, some plants can cause side effects. This may be the result of negligence on the plant, or simply ignorance of the methods of harvesting, drying or preparing medications from certain plant species. If you know the correct method of treatment plants, herbs or preparations, faceook we suggest you consult with a physician or natural healer. faceook Here are some of the known herbs:
Anis - not recommended for people who suffer from stomach ulcers and colitis. It should not be stored for a long period, because the fruits of these plants can become toxic. Before faceook each use should prepare a new fresh dose of tea.
Yarrow - ahilein presence of a toxic action in case of overdose. Ahileinot under the influence of a specific enzyme hydrolyzed releasing essential oil and cijanovidna acid, which is poisonous faceook effect Ohm. Poisoning is manifested by convulsions, followed by anxiety and nervousness. It is suitable for fresh wounds for irritation. Recommended faceook for treatment of old and infected wounds.
Wormwood - not recommended faceook for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from anxiety faceook (neurological disease). An overdose can cause poisoning and symptoms are anxiety, agitation, hallucinations, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness and death. The treatment should not last longer than 2 weeks. Prolonged use can cause mantalni disorders hipomnezija (impaired memory) and nausea.
St. John's Wort - causes increased sensitivity to light (photo-sensitivity), which means that people who are treated with St. John's wort should avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Symptoms manifest as swelling, itching, swelling of the lips and eyelids.
Lavender - It is used in large concentrated doses, because faceook it leads to a state of increasing irritability, followed by cardiac and nerve weakness, dizziness, hypotension (low blood pressure), hypothermia (low body temperature) faceook
Preslica - tijaminaza faceook presence of (an enzyme that destroys vitamin B), causes symptoms like dizziness, nausea, irritability, muscle cramps (slow reflexes). Mentioned complications prevent entry of vitamin B in the body.
Bush - the cause of poisoning, mostly in children if they take larger quantities. They can feel the effects in the form of apathy (state of indifference, indifference), constipation and increased urination.
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Besides its balmy effect, some plants can cause side effects. This may be the result of negligence on the plant, or simply ignorance of the methods of harvesting, drying or preparing medications from certain plant species. If you know the correct method of treatment plants, herbs or preparations, faceook we suggest you consult with a physician or natural healer. faceook Here are some of the known herbs:
Anis - not recommended for people who suffer from stomach ulcers and colitis. It should not be stored for a long period, because the fruits of these plants can become toxic. Before faceook each use should prepare a new fresh dose of tea.
Yarrow - ahilein presence of a toxic action in case of overdose. Ahileinot under the influence of a specific enzyme hydrolyzed releasing essential oil and cijanovidna acid, which is poisonous faceook effect Ohm. Poisoning is manifested by convulsions, followed by anxiety and nervousness. It is suitable for fresh wounds for irritation. Recommended faceook for treatment of old and infected wounds.
Wormwood - not recommended faceook for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from anxiety faceook (neurological disease). An overdose can cause poisoning and symptoms are anxiety, agitation, hallucinations, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness and death. The treatment should not last longer than 2 weeks. Prolonged use can cause mantalni disorders hipomnezija (impaired memory) and nausea.
St. John's Wort - causes increased sensitivity to light (photo-sensitivity), which means that people who are treated with St. John's wort should avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Symptoms manifest as swelling, itching, swelling of the lips and eyelids.
Lavender - It is used in large concentrated doses, because faceook it leads to a state of increasing irritability, followed by cardiac and nerve weakness, dizziness, hypotension (low blood pressure), hypothermia (low body temperature) faceook
Preslica - tijaminaza faceook presence of (an enzyme that destroys vitamin B), causes symptoms like dizziness, nausea, irritability, muscle cramps (slow reflexes). Mentioned complications prevent entry of vitamin B in the body.
Bush - the cause of poisoning, mostly in children if they take larger quantities. They can feel the effects in the form of apathy (state of indifference, indifference), constipation and increased urination.
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