Wednesday, December 11, 2013

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Aloe vera, or known as Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller, forum is an herb that has been previously known as the elixir of youth. The leaves are pale green, fleshy, with kopjest appearance, with long spines. Originated from North Africa, but succeeds in Mediterranean countries, where blooms in June. The name is derived from the Arabic forum word "alloeh", which means "bitter". Its got its name because its juice which has a bitter taste. The use of this herb are referred to in Egyptian papyri, old 1,500 years BC, ie for medical use, for the treatment of infections, parasites, and against skin diseases. Also, the army of Alexander of Macedon forum koritela Aloe sipping his juice to protect against infections and foreign injury. According to legend, aloe made it indestructible army of Alexander. Today, aloe is produced in many parts of the world where the prevailing warm climate. We used the funds for personal hygiene, cosmetics, cleaners, as well as food supplements. The world famous over 250 species of aloe, with only 4 species have medicinal properties (Barbadensis, Arborescens, Chinensis i Ferox).
Determined that the gel of aloe vera contains over 240 nutritional and medicinal ingredients, such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, minerals (calcium, magnesium, manganese , potassium), polysaccharides that enhance immunity and so on. Here are some positive action: Regulates blood sugar levels Helps with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (treatment is under professional supervision), constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome speeds up metabolism and helps with weight loss antioxidant properties prevent the occurrence of ulcers stomach and heal cells that are affected by the ulcer and rebuild the damaged mucosa. It strengthens forum the immune system Regulates blood pressure and prevent diseases forum of the blood vessels Improves cirkulacjata accelerates the healing of tissues, especially the external injuries forum and burns prevents the growth of tumor cells relieves the symptoms of asthma and allergies has antibacterial (especially against E . Coli), antifungal and antiviral activity has a laxative effect (herbal protein contains forum aloin)
No contraindications for outdoor use, but not recommended to drink aloe juice, in case you have hemorrhoids because it can lead to irritation of the anus. Aloe vera stimulates the contraction forum of smooth muscle and therefore forum should avoid pregnant forum women and people who have inflammation in the gastrointestinal forum tract. 2013-07-05
Incense - scented cure
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