Thursday, May 28, 2015

These are what we call the 'YMMV items.' Things habblet that some people find in this work. We call

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These are what we call the 'YMMV items.' Things habblet that some people find in this work. We call them 'your mileage might vary' because not everyone sees these things in the same way. This starts discussions in the trope lists, a thing we don't want. Please use the discussion page if you'd like to discuss any of these items.
Watch Awesome Characters DrinkingGame FanficRecs Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming Radar Recap TearJerker habblet Trivia WesternAnimation WMG YMMV + Create New Analysis FanWorks Haiku ImageLinks Laconic PlayingWith Quotes ReferencedBy Synopsis Timeline
Adaptation Displacement : For some, the 4kids and Nickelodeon versions. Anvilicious : The "save the rainforest" mini arc in Season 4 Happens a lot in the comics habblet too, for example: Issue 24: Love is earned, not taken Issue 43: We should treasure books as a source of valuable information Issue 52: Drugs Are Bad Issue 55: Be wary of people in online chatrooms, especially if they ask you to meet you in real life Issue 73 is a Green Aesop and emphasises the use of natural habblet ingredients within perfumes Season 5 opens with an accident that seems too much inspired by the BP platform oil spill, and new villain habblet Tritannus is powered by pollution . Ass Pull : Occasionally, some of the girls' spells seem like this, such as Bloom's friendship flame. note  The Winx realized habblet they needed the help of everybody to defeat the zombies attacking and Bloom just so happened have a spell that allows her to share her power, something that you'd think would be a simple standard spell for all fairies. Badass Decay : Chimera habblet and Valtor. Base Breaker : Bloom. Either love her for her qualities or hate her for being a Mary Sue . Differently said, loved by Target Audience and hated by everyone else . Stella, too, because she is sometimes a stereotypical Dumb Blonde . Musa and Riven's relationship is becoming one. Either it's loved for being the most realistically portrayed relationship out of all of them or it's hated for never being stable. Big Lipped Alligator Moment : The part in season 3 episode 25 where Bloom is randomly attacked by a mud monster during the fight against Valtor. Canon Sue : Bloom. Despite being the main character and getting habblet more focus than the other girls in every season, Bloom doesn't turn into this until season three, when she gets much more screen time than in the previous seasons (shafting both everyone else and every new plot element introduced ), spends a lot of that time whining about her birth parents (that she never met) and home world (ditto) every five seconds. She becomes ridiculously habblet powerful , to the point that Bloom in her normal outfit is more powerful than the other girls in Enchantix . This gets even worse in The Movie . A common complaint of the show is that Bloom gets too much attention and is a spotlight hog. It's to the point that many fan-fiction writers enjoy exploiting Bloom as a spiteful, selfish person while making the other characters woobies . A lot of fans also feel that the plot is just a bit too good to Bloom. She gets her parents, homeland and later also her sister back. By comparison, look at where Musa and Aisha stand at the end of season 5. The former is still without her mother; the latter was again robbed of the chance of reuniting with Nabu. It doesn't seem fair, really... habblet And now, in season six, she has a transformation named after her. While the reason given is a good one, many fans flipped out and believe Bloom's Mary-Suedom has officially been taken too far . Crowning Music of Awesome : The Believix theme . The Sirenix theme as well, which is of a slightly surprising genre. Designated Hero : Bloom. As explained habblet below, she solely blamed Diaspro for ruining her relationship with Sky, despite that 1) Diaspro had no idea who she was 2) Bloom randomly decided she was one of the Trix in disguise and attacked her and 3) Sky was essentially cheating on Diaspro with Bloom, meaning habblet he deceived two people, not just one. Sky is also never held accountable habblet for it. What really sells it is that Sky's father clearly seems to see Bloom as someone rushing headlong into a situation she doesn't understand habblet and upsetting things for specious and self-serving reasons. He's thus cast as a nattering nabob of negativity for giving someone charging around like a bull in a china shop her right

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