Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cool. Type let you confess that pushed, and we will not hang up on you sup blow, from which rupture

Tiuntseva beat, but his death was not involved. In Podosinovtse for abuse of office trial of former policeman | Vyatka Observer
"And our hero, and your hero!"
In Podosinovskom district court began proceedings against a former policeman Andrei Okulovskaya, who is accused under two articles: internet explorer 8 n. "And" h. 3 tablespoons. 286 of the Criminal Code "Abuse of power with violence" internet explorer 8 and Part 1 of Article 116 of the Criminal Code "Beating".
As established investigators, April 4, 2014 about 21 hours for committing an administrative offense, namely, for appearing in a public place while intoxicated, internet explorer 8 the victim internet explorer 8 was brought Andrew Tiuntsev the duty of the police "Podosinovskoe" and placed in a cell for administrative detainees. Several hours later, a police officer against Tiuntseva internet explorer 8 was used "unlawful assault". Assistant operations duty Okulovsky clearly exceeding its powers, entered the chamber to the victim, where the power of his hands shoved internet explorer 8 him in the back, causing the man fell and hit his head, hands and the front surface of the body against the wall. As a result, the victim has been damaged, do not harm health.
"As a result of the examination, it was found that the actions of Okulovskaya could cause the death of the victim, - explained the" observer "the representative of SU RF IC in the Kirov region Maria Southerner. - Therefore, the ex-police officer charged with abuse of office, not for causing grievous bodily internet explorer 8 harm resulting in death of the victim. The investigation of the criminal case on the fact of bodily harm resulting in the death of Andrew Tiuntseva continues. "
The prosecution also charged in the beating of Okulovskaya already another internet explorer 8 title - for beating his wife. According to investigators, the evening of August 10, when he was already under investigation, accused of being at home while intoxicated, with a force several times struck his wife hand over his face. The woman, fortunately, escaped with only bruises, but to put up with domestic violence did not itself appealed to the police.
Recall, 50-year-old Andrew Tiuntsev was detained in the evening of April 4 Podosinovtse intoxicated. The police put him in isolation, and in the morning on April 5, the detainee was allowed to go home. The same evening, a man with severe abdominal pain was taken to CRH. Doctors diagnosed his bladder rupture. Tiuntseva operated on, but a few days later, on the night of April 10, he died.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kirov region has conducted official investigation and stated that employees podosinovskogo police are not involved in the death of a detainee. A similar conclusion was reached and preliminary investigation. However, many residents of the village, these conclusions seemed unconvincing. As a result of the investigation committee has decided to re-check their police involvement in the death of Andrew Tiuntseva.
Highlight the problem fragment mouse and press CTRL + ENTER. In the window that appears, describe the problem and send a notice internet explorer 8 of the Administration site. related links in Podosinovskom prison hanged murder suspect Case Tiuntseva waiting expert opinions to public pressure consequently decided to double-check on police involvement in the death resident Podosinovtsa investigation of the events in Podosinovtse "All abrasions and bruises Tiuntsev internet explorer 8 received long before the arrival of the police," police announced test results in the case of injuries resident Podosinovtsa
Cool. Type let you confess that pushed, and we will not hang up on you sup blow, from which ruptured bladder. Then, according to the investigators have to look further than who went into the chamber and stabbed in the stomach. Answer
Well, another werewolf in uniform finally be there where he belongs - in places not so remote. That beat the murdered confessed wife and she confirmed his vile nature internet explorer 8 - poytsa kitchen, except as defenseless anyone lacking strength, and here and Solodovnikov patronage gave him, and he had probably regretted it after as he beat his wife. Reform of the police officers was held and frames tezhe and there. Criminals - criminal prosecution. Answer
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