Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The minimum that is required app of a DNS server is properly respond to requests made to it. DNS se

Speed test of public DNS servers
Training / Trainer Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu Server, Network, app IPv6, Security, app Perl, PowerShell, Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, SQL, PHP, WordPress, osCommerce, Standby, SEO, SEO
I just realized a little script app to measure the speed of public DNS servers. I've always had a huge doubt on the reality of the results provided by the namebench app tool from Google. Bash script to measure the speed of your dns servers
Dedibox on my server, I tested dnsmasq, servers Free and all public DNS (except DynGuide) over the first 10 domains "French" provided by Alexa. The result is clear! Try to set up the dnsmasq service, of which I have spoken recently app and favor DNS from your ISP. Avoid venturing to use public Google DNS, the more than average performance, which is primarily a tracking system and collection of personal data!
In terms of public DNS, OpenDNS comes in 1st position tracking Comodo Secure DNS and Level3! Dnsmasq 0.3 Google Google 56.0 27.0 Free Free 1.1 1.1 11.0 Level3 Level3 14.8 securly 184 169 143 224 184 169 161 155 195.9 356.4 securly Comodo Secure DNS 10.8 Comodo Secure DNS DNS Advantage 14.1 33.8 DNS Advantage app 17.9 Norton DNS 198153 Norton DNS .192.1 14.2 19.8 175.0 OpenNIC OpenNIC Public-Root 79.0 126.7 132.3 Public-Root SmartViper 108 6 SmartViper 136.8 OpenDNS OpenDNS 11.6 11.4 67.6 Average
Other articles on the subject: app Unbound redirector and DNS cache for Windows dnsmasq a dns efficient cache! Configuring Privoxy and Tor for scrapping Public DNS Google Google IPv6 accessible, champion of the collection of personal data!
Tags: dns, Public DNS, Dns Server, DNS Servers, Trainer Bash, Linux Trainer, Trainer Shell, Bash Training, Linux Training, Shell Formation, OpenDNS, Planet Free, Public DNS Server, DNS servers Public, Name Resolution, Server Dns DNS Servers, public DNS, Tracking
Certainly the google dns may have an interest in collecting google data (but it's not like they did not have a call to their servers on almost all web pages) but I do not see which proves that this is not the case for OpenDNS (what have they to "open" from the name?) and secureDNS ...
Okay on to OpenDNS app nuance. OpenDNS has no search engine, no mail service, no social network ... Data collection only concerns the IP address and geolocation.
In my tests, public Google DNS is far from the best. And so I do not see what would cause you to want to continue to use, since you clearly know that their gathering power is superior to others. app I am sure that you are a person with reason! ; +)
What must be remembered is that the DNS of our ISP lie to us (government censorship example: Copwatch). And here it is better to me to use other DNS servers. How to trust a DNS server that returns on a perfectly valid domain? Use the DNS server of the ISP, when one is in France, it is far from a good idea!
The minimum that is required app of a DNS server is properly respond to requests made to it. DNS servers of major ISPs in France do not meet this criterion. To my knowledge, Google's DNS servers do not lie. Whether app it's American or not, it is according to another debate. app What bothers me in France, is that ISPs are legally bound to defy their DNS ...
There was such https://copwatchnord-idf.org/ (filtering requested by Gueant) but they changed their address now it passes. -> http://www.numerama.com/magazine/21446-pourquoi-et-comment-claude-gueant-veut-faire-refermer-copwatch.html Unfortunately LOPPSI law allows this practice.
- There is not so long, DNS OpenDNS met eg http://www.google.com. CNAME google.navigation.opendns.com. http://isc.sans.edu/diary.html?storyid=6265 (AC does today in any case for http://www.google.com .. but for others?) Would they wanted to collect app my Google searches (in Google +) ??
- DNS to OpenDNS lie (still aujourd'h

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