DEIS April 2013 :: Galway Irish
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Many of the house was present when Mayor announced the City of Galway, Cllr Terry O'Flaherty, The Galleon, the overall winners of Gradam 2013 at a special ceremony in the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Thursday, April 18 2,013. The shortlist for their novel efforts to promote the city as a bilingual city showcased the great crowd in attendance at the event. These included; Friends Galway Irish, the Gaeltacht Department Officers, Family Members Applicant, TDs, Senators, City Councillors, Sponsors Award and business representatives from Galway.
The Galleon announced as the winners of the category 'Hospitality and Tourism' sponsored by Failte Ireland and then went on to achieve full Award on the night. Announced McCambridge's of Galway as the winners ml of the category 'Retail' sponsored by Galway Bay FM, Optician Colette Kelly as the winners of the category ml 'Services' sponsored by Snap Galway and Centre ml Eyre Square as the winners of the category 'Other Bodies' sponsored by the Academy The Irish National University, National University of Ireland, Galway. Awarded business package worth 2,000 winners of categories as well as a replica of Gradam sponsored by Údarás na Gaeltachta.
At the event as well, by the Mayor on behalf of the Irish Galway, John Herrick special award, in recognition of Comharthascríbhneoir what he has done to draw people's attention to the language around Galway City and County. Was nominated by Cllr Niall McNelis, John Herrick for Special Graduation Ceremony and Judy Greene Pottery sponsored by him.
Mary Killoran, Director of the Irish Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Iggy tribute, Chairman of the Irish Galway, Orla Kyne, The Galleon, Mayor of Galway City Cllr Terry O'Flaherty, Geraldine Lyons, ml The Galleon, Catherine Conneely, The Galleon and Declan Dooley, President of Galway Chamber Awards presented by Applicant was awarded in 2013 in the Galway Bay Hotel when announced by Mayor of Galway City, Cllr Terry O'Flaherty, The Galleon winners Gradam 2013 .
Winners Category: Natalie McCambridge, McCambridge's of Galway (Retail), Olivia Roche, Centre Eyre Square (Other Bodies), Colette Kelly Optometrist Colette Kelly (Services), ml Geraldine Lyons, The Galleon (Hospitality & Tourism and the Overall Winner Award Joseph Applicant) attended Gradam awarded in 2013 in the Galway Bay Hotel. Main sponsor of the Award: Award Sponsor: ml Supporting Sponsors Award:
Judy Greene, Judy Greene Pottery, John Herrick, Comharthascríbhneoir and Mayor of Galway City, Cllr Terry O'Flaherty at Gradam awarded in 2013 in the Galway Bay Hotel. The Mayor of Galway on behalf of the Irish, John Herrick special award, in recognition of Comharthascríbhneoir what he has done to draw people's attention to the language throughout Galway City and County. Was nominated by Cllr Niall McNelis, John Herrick for this Special Graduation Ceremony. By Judy Greene Pottery sponsored.
Triona Mac Giolla King, Aró (Award Sponsor), Proinséas From hÓgartaigh, Iggy tribute, Chairman of the Irish Galway, Orla Kyne, Geraldine Lyons, Catherine Conneely, The Galleon, Anne Melia, Fáilte Ireland (Award Sponsor) and Noreen D 'Arcy, D'Arcy Marketing & PR (Award Sponsor) presented ml by Gradam awarded in 2013 in the Galway Bay Hotel when announced by Mayor of Galway City, Cllr Terry O'Flaherty, The Galleon Award winners Applicant 2013.
Siubhán Nic Greene, the Authority