"Pale all, and God in heaven will know the righteous." | Lausanne
Categories Original text e-books Selection Previews maps and mapping Culture Books Comments Tree Growers 2012 Macedonian Macedonian Encyclopedia Book of Records Macedonian media music Poetry Palimpsest overtaken Features
Jordan Plevnes Trajan Petrovski Alexander Rusjakov Melania Ĺ erdenkovska Gligor Chemerski sister Macrina Jordan Danilovski Milos Lindro Ilija Dimovski Shush-Bush Skaramush Stankoski Blaze Ristovski Alexander Branislav Sarkanjac Pasko Kuzman Bogomil Sofia Gjuzel Trenchovski Kljusev Nicholas Vangel Bozinoski Government Nikola Urosevic Zhezhov startimes
Features Masonic startimes Mosaic Rose water Alshar Bogomils Apocalypse Mark Cepenkov Macedonian revival century Cairo Magic Silyan Stork Orbelo Apocryphal Secret startimes Olympia KOKINO winged Dragon Macedonians cream Bulgarian society
The idea for the investigation of the way the book The Secret, 12 places throughout the island Golem Grad Prespa through the south-western part of Europe, to the Museum startimes of the Inquisition startimes in Carcassonne, France is caused by searching for its original and mysterious destiny, a mission that lasts more than thousand years. startimes Secret book as a product of medieval theosophy in literature known as John or false gospel belongs to the apocryphal literature of apocalyptic and visionary orientation. The content of the book The Secret imlicira heretical elements startimes in general characteristic of dualistic teachings and especially startimes Bogomilism. In substantive terms it describes the prehistory of the creation of the world, its creation and reveals the future history of mankind, and in terms of cosmogenic mix Christian beliefs with non-Christian, based on religious-philosophical conception of moderate dualism and Gnosticism.
This composition startimes is known today only through two copies Latin, Paris and Vienna, known under the names Karkasonska and Vienna version. Occurrence of the Latin translation associated with missionary work of Bishop Nazarius startimes in Lombardy in 1170, which was aimed at expanding middle Bogomil ideas katarizmot supporters when it was translated into Latin. Our quest for pretpolozhlivata ubikacija the way of secret book starts from Prespa, on its transversal movement that gets into the determination of 12 toponymic benchmarks for its movement through time and space, from a large city in MKD to Carcassonne in France. Here we perform first pretpolozhlivite exclusive presentation of 12 points on the map of southeast Europe, Italy and southern France after that underwent secret book.
1 PRESPA Based on certain Latin sources can be performed pretpolozhiva ubikacija the heretical castrum in Macedonia, as a possible site of which originated Secret book. These data provide documented Latin sources which refer to the first crusade whose participants moved along important communication Via Egnatia, which runs right through the western part of Macedonia, such as the history of the Crusader conquest of Jerusalem Peter Tudebod. He wrote that in the period 1096-1099 years. Pelagonia existed and established heretical settlement (castrum haereticorum), which was located some to the lake (in qodam lacu). Inaccuracy of this data in science placed different startimes views on his ubikacija. It is very likely that the area in and around the Lake. Thus, S. Antoljak today Asamati village of Prespa Lake, according to the Greek name, connects with the sect and its followers, it is assumed that the current Lake station was mentioned town of heretics who stood next to the lake, to a lake or the lake. T. Tomovski, startimes the study "Prespa in the Middle Ages" of the sharp points as a possible location of the heretic castrum. E Bozoki, in his book dedicated to the secret book is the notion that her time starts right in th year 1096 when the city burned Prespa island Golem Grad. Here intertwine real and mythical stories, startimes and until one of them came J. Plevnes based on research performed in the Vatican library, where he found a record of a monk-cut crusader who relayed startimes language book of the island through the Balkans to Italy and France, and is found around Venice and written by a Croatian journalist startimes Antonio Yerkov magazine Relacion Macedonia, published in Rome in the sixties of the last century.
2 Bogomil naming of the village leads, startimes on the one hand, about apelativot Bogomil, located in Ashdod Babuna River (a tributary of the Vardar) west of Veles. On the other hand, the appointment was derived from the same antroponim, the name of the founder of the doctrine, Bogomil and the semantic startimes aspect is identified startimes with the meaning "village that belongs to Bogomil". Under the existing source material, which is mainly contained in the Sermon against
Categories Original text e-books Selection Previews maps and mapping Culture Books Comments Tree Growers 2012 Macedonian Macedonian Encyclopedia Book of Records Macedonian media music Poetry Palimpsest overtaken Features
Jordan Plevnes Trajan Petrovski Alexander Rusjakov Melania Ĺ erdenkovska Gligor Chemerski sister Macrina Jordan Danilovski Milos Lindro Ilija Dimovski Shush-Bush Skaramush Stankoski Blaze Ristovski Alexander Branislav Sarkanjac Pasko Kuzman Bogomil Sofia Gjuzel Trenchovski Kljusev Nicholas Vangel Bozinoski Government Nikola Urosevic Zhezhov startimes
Features Masonic startimes Mosaic Rose water Alshar Bogomils Apocalypse Mark Cepenkov Macedonian revival century Cairo Magic Silyan Stork Orbelo Apocryphal Secret startimes Olympia KOKINO winged Dragon Macedonians cream Bulgarian society
The idea for the investigation of the way the book The Secret, 12 places throughout the island Golem Grad Prespa through the south-western part of Europe, to the Museum startimes of the Inquisition startimes in Carcassonne, France is caused by searching for its original and mysterious destiny, a mission that lasts more than thousand years. startimes Secret book as a product of medieval theosophy in literature known as John or false gospel belongs to the apocryphal literature of apocalyptic and visionary orientation. The content of the book The Secret imlicira heretical elements startimes in general characteristic of dualistic teachings and especially startimes Bogomilism. In substantive terms it describes the prehistory of the creation of the world, its creation and reveals the future history of mankind, and in terms of cosmogenic mix Christian beliefs with non-Christian, based on religious-philosophical conception of moderate dualism and Gnosticism.
This composition startimes is known today only through two copies Latin, Paris and Vienna, known under the names Karkasonska and Vienna version. Occurrence of the Latin translation associated with missionary work of Bishop Nazarius startimes in Lombardy in 1170, which was aimed at expanding middle Bogomil ideas katarizmot supporters when it was translated into Latin. Our quest for pretpolozhlivata ubikacija the way of secret book starts from Prespa, on its transversal movement that gets into the determination of 12 toponymic benchmarks for its movement through time and space, from a large city in MKD to Carcassonne in France. Here we perform first pretpolozhlivite exclusive presentation of 12 points on the map of southeast Europe, Italy and southern France after that underwent secret book.
1 PRESPA Based on certain Latin sources can be performed pretpolozhiva ubikacija the heretical castrum in Macedonia, as a possible site of which originated Secret book. These data provide documented Latin sources which refer to the first crusade whose participants moved along important communication Via Egnatia, which runs right through the western part of Macedonia, such as the history of the Crusader conquest of Jerusalem Peter Tudebod. He wrote that in the period 1096-1099 years. Pelagonia existed and established heretical settlement (castrum haereticorum), which was located some to the lake (in qodam lacu). Inaccuracy of this data in science placed different startimes views on his ubikacija. It is very likely that the area in and around the Lake. Thus, S. Antoljak today Asamati village of Prespa Lake, according to the Greek name, connects with the sect and its followers, it is assumed that the current Lake station was mentioned town of heretics who stood next to the lake, to a lake or the lake. T. Tomovski, startimes the study "Prespa in the Middle Ages" of the sharp points as a possible location of the heretic castrum. E Bozoki, in his book dedicated to the secret book is the notion that her time starts right in th year 1096 when the city burned Prespa island Golem Grad. Here intertwine real and mythical stories, startimes and until one of them came J. Plevnes based on research performed in the Vatican library, where he found a record of a monk-cut crusader who relayed startimes language book of the island through the Balkans to Italy and France, and is found around Venice and written by a Croatian journalist startimes Antonio Yerkov magazine Relacion Macedonia, published in Rome in the sixties of the last century.
2 Bogomil naming of the village leads, startimes on the one hand, about apelativot Bogomil, located in Ashdod Babuna River (a tributary of the Vardar) west of Veles. On the other hand, the appointment was derived from the same antroponim, the name of the founder of the doctrine, Bogomil and the semantic startimes aspect is identified startimes with the meaning "village that belongs to Bogomil". Under the existing source material, which is mainly contained in the Sermon against
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