Wall. High and long, endlessly long and gray, damp and moldy. stumbleupon It is circular. Infinitely long and infinitely just. No one ever reached its end. Nobody knows if there is an end. Or maybe someone got to the end, only he knows.
Ends up in the sky. Left ends in heaven. Right - Sky. Back is the only way back. He is huddled at the foot of the wall. Head - leaning on knees. Hands folded legs hug. Everything is calm and static. Just occasionally, pramenche hair that falls freely forehead prolebduva in the air a few moments, and then returned to his seat. There is no tree, no grass, no twig. There's stumbleupon nothing that could show that has wind that has life. That his pramenche.
Everything is calm and static landscape. But in his head - his head thoughts flooded his mind and violated, twist, proteknuvaat, but never stop. He chases wants to go away and leave forever as peaceful stumbleupon landscape. But no, they are here as a counterweight, or simply as a presence.
Think. Memories. It lies in a field of colorful flowers. He sits beside her. Why remember the flowers of the field? She is allergic to pollen! His hands go on her face. Soft and smooth. Her scent still on it. I smell a lie. Beautiful world raskrshuva, stumbleupon crumbles and breaks, before fading from his eyes. Before it remains an ugly world. Hag. Horrible truth as curled hedgehog rolls down his body. Do deep wounds on his skin. From here a path leads only. Hall. City. Way. Reed. Forest road. Forest. Narrow path amid low bushes. stumbleupon Way. Dry grass. Road amid desolation. Dry land. A little time. And there it comes to wall.
Little movement disturbed the static landscape. Easy and slowly peel it head from the knees. The wind gets stronger, stumbleupon as if to refresh and rasoni of zashemetenosta. Through the eyes still closed, I spend perchinjata hair. If I could swim as they float! To take the wind with his magical powers, it would be wonderful! That would beat the wall. If only you could go to the wall, at the highest point on the wall! It was unexpected thoughts. He did not know where they come from. May have been part of a dream. As would be able to walk along the edge of the wall?
Think. Dream. There was once a wall on which you can step. I was then a man whose steps leave footprints on the dusty edge of the high wall. On one side of the wall - time. Road amid desolation. Way back. On the other side - sea. Water and people with broken worlds. Sea colors, hopes, new beginnings. His view - oriented to diversity. Feet slowly peel off the wall, bouncing off the stone. His body falls in the sea air. Hands, head, whole body slip into the water. His feet will never touch the stone. His body will float forever in the joy of a new truth, in the colors of the sea.
But before he stands upright wall. Stationary upright. stumbleupon Do not think their own thoughts. It is someone else. Simply, it is just a dream. He opened his eyes. Wall. High and long, endlessly long and gray, damp and moldy ... Up to the sky high. Looks gray in the wall ahead. Efforts to find their thoughts. There was once upon a wall whose edge could not move because touching the sky. The wall has relied sky. By just touching the sky birds. stumbleupon I was then a man whose steps leave footprints on dry land at the foot of the wall. He was a man, not a bird. And people stumbleupon do not fly - walk the earth. And he began to walk along the wall, you may have no end. Yes, people do not fly - hopefully, but that will not fly. Just hope. It comes so naturally. He walks, does not even know the way you hoped. I will never try anything else. You forgot the question: how would be able to walk along the edge of the wall. Will be hoping - no end wall.
Remodeled and purified from original text written in September 2005th Although there were parts that I could not stand, so I deleted, although some remained stumbleupon and perhaps unnecessary repetitions, but there is something in this article that I think is worth sharing.
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