Wednesday, September 17, 2014

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According to data presented agencies phenomena are reported and recorded in the part of North America, facebokk and numerous photographs confirm that it is not only reports but also for documentaries cases of unusual phenomena.
Fire balls were seen in different forms, so in some cases have been reported glossy balls in red and orange that slowly move while in other cases observed smaller "fire" facebokk moving objects with greater speed.
The range of size and colors of the objects is diverse, but it's clear that the "fire" range of colors (orange, yellow, red). This led many to conclude that the remains of satellites or meteors burning in the atmosphere.
Although some cases are explained thus, Gholam whatever remains of those who still nmozhat to explain. Ufolozite not ready to join the mass hysteria to argue that the alien spacecraft, but the frequency and other types of suggests that UFOs might just work for it.
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