Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I see the matter behind Stackoverflow.com aapt.exe error xml related error just said did not come o

Could still see that you are using less than Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS, while a large number of users ready to Lake Mobile V2 I ve been busy coding the app usage statistics. So that was not built with a message stating that the building would stop haeboni aapt.exe is used as a library, and a set take ActionBarSherlock simcity Having decided to use the library after download. Error code -1073741819. simcity
I decided to use the Android Studio did not know what the hell is downloaded simcity to the wrong I know. This version was 0.4.0 doedeoni the stuff on, no food was on tour when Good-level version 0.1.0 is hardly Android Studio. (Actually I did not know the difference be in the know do you do you did not know the IntelliJ.) Here wanted'll go well. Because of Gradle build automation tool only ate a little kid in the Android simcity Studio simcity to replace the existing source for the conversion was successful, somehow, looked to build a list and then add the following to the dependencies.
I see the matter behind Stackoverflow.com aapt.exe error xml related error just said did not come out exactly what is wrong with the story of what the file open. The solution of the problem, mainly nawatji ending with 1 and can not find file errors or other errors aapt.exe simcity error code was written By the way is just a bunch of doeseo related to error code -1073741819 I am experiencing. It was a sense of xml error got exactly what I want Is the error I found the page while the gugeulring continue the Android Open Source Project Issue Tracker page.
In order to use this style, don't set an id for it, just use R.style.my_style in a Java class, simcity or @ style / my_style in a xml file. If consequently you define an id property, the project resources will be mixed up and the R.java class will not be generated.

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