Sunday, April 5, 2015

You appear to some randomly generated territory, and you do not have absolutely nothing. At night a

Minecraft + Tekkit: review and its own independent server
We have already talked about this game, though in a slightly different way. Now we will focus on how you can get from this toy a lot of fun and at the same time with the use of (relatively, of course, but much more than that from other computer games). In addition, I will discuss how to set up (and a little program on PHP) own server to the registration and authorization.
So, let's begin. To begin with talk about the original Minecraft'e. For quite ignorant - a game genre "sandbox". The basic principle - Breaking and building blocks, as well as to collect some of the other items. Minecraft provides out of the box is not so many opportunities for the player, and the whole point of the game can be described in two words literally. ava
You appear to some randomly generated territory, and you do not have absolutely nothing. At night and in dark caves appear monsters, so better to spend the night in a lighted shelter. You start to get a tree built from a board, of which collect workbench. It can be used to build a wooden pickaxe out of sticks and boards. Then you can dig stones and collect yourself and pick a stone oven. Stone pickaxe you can in some deep cave extract iron ore and in the oven to melt it into ingots, using coal that you dig up there. ava Ingots ava of iron can be collected already pick and normal armor. To illuminate caves and their homes, you can make torches. And will advance your development until you collect yourself and diamond pickaxe, and a diamond armor. Maynkrafta ava expand opportunities ava such things as: 1. Railways. You will be able to build the railroad tracks and let them trolley with anything. You can go and himself. 2. Enchanting things. From killing monsters and animals you will receive experience, for which, ava in turn, will be able to enchant items. 3. Alchemy. Allows you to cook potions. 4. Agriculture. ava You can plant wheat, watermelons, or a tree and grow them. 5. portals ava to other worlds (Lower World / Inferno and Edge). The first portal can be constructed, the second can be found and repaired. Each world has its own monsters and blocks. 6. Finally, the red stone (Redstone) - perhaps one of the most remarkable things Minecraft'a original. Allows you to make logic circuits and manage the different elements on the map. Example: press the button ava - the door opened. Another example: on a rail trolley traveled - next bomb exploded. From redstone contrive to make such basic logic elements such as AND and OR, or even entire ALU and adders. However, schemes are cumbersome ava and complex.
Well, I have listed and described the main features Minecraft'a. How to make the game more dynamic and interesting? The answer is simple: because of the large popularity of games written for her special auxiliary fashion, which, in turn, provide for those who want an open API to make your own game modifications. Both the server and client. You guessed it, a huge number of modifications. ava Minecraft is often updated, so one of the problems - a version mismatch of different modifications, but each time the author tries to update their creations. However, you can choose ava the version and put those addons that you like best. I will give a detailed overview of those included in the finished pack Tekkit (well, a few). Why I chose it? Because ava it is well tested set of users who use the most popular fashion and lets you play as a single player and multiplayer (server + clients). All modifications somehow interconnected, allowing to solve a very wide range of tasks. The site also has a pack Tekkit'a Technic, which contains even more mods and is based on a more modern version of Minecraft, but, alas, it allows you to play only in a single game.
This addon will allow you to work with the current ava electricity - to generate and use it in a variety of machines that are consuming it produce any useful work. You will be able to do by crossing plants and grow new and unusual species. Finally, it is possible to create the most advanced ava armor, weapons and tools. For more details and to order: 1. The addon will add to your world, several new types of ores and plants: uranium ore, rubber trees, copper and tin ore. Ore to be mined in the same way as the classic - with the help of picks. With rubber trees with a special tool you will be able to collect rubber. All these materials are highly useful to you in making the most sophisticated items in the addon IndustrialCraft 2. 2. You will be able to produce materials such as bronze, enriched uranium, rubber, copper, tin and brass, "scrap", UU-matter, iridium ore, purified iron, and various others. 3. At your disposal ava are such machines, such as

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