Saturday, April 11, 2015

Topic: Minecraft-Tekkit The third day was otlichnym.Bolshe evolved than dripping =) This time I did

Topic: Minecraft-Tekkit The third day was otlichnym.Bolshe evolved than dripping =) This time I did not quite keep the chronology, perhaps, but tell you about the main events. One of the most remarkable event is the creation of an oil skvazhiny.Reshili make wooden body and nourish the usual (the weakest dish network of the 3) Redstone dvigatelem.Kachaet long, but effektivno.Postavili many tanks established peregon.Vse not gather dish network transfer, or rather to pump oil to our base. Mantakor and Bestboy, our oil. We then still tanks ponastavili.Vyshlo 4 columns 2 times higher than that Laghi such lags .... The second significant event - the creation karera.Dolgo hoarded resources, all dripping, looking at home, but still he nashli.I postroili.Kogda dug deep enough, some of us started there padat.Iz of it dug up the spiral staircase to the walls of the quarry it is necessary dish network karera.No than podpityvat.Sdelali ICE (internal combustion engine), the best dvigatel.No as it may explode, we decided to build around him zaschitu.Blago basalt basalt we have a lot, 2 = volcano near) Major sozdateli.Ya, Bestboy, dish network AGMA. After the construction of protection. After Nikita built himself dom.Bazalta he spent a lot. Epic, is not it? The inscription dish network of course happy =) More on the second day of AGMA began to remodel a house in bazalt.Vrode nondescript house and stand Creeper =)
Tsiplenok.Agman have their divorce. On resources. For ICE went to the well, descended into the cave to get resursov.Nashli like 2 gorge. A great moment when the creeper explodes =) Way to the huge caves and gorges. dish network Creeper looks at you as a victim. How dug many things built digger tunneley.Resov eats, nit, more than my.I without diamond cutter efficiency (efficiency) figovyy.A diamond we have not done. Kopaet.Medlenno, but digs. Toward the end of the day needed energiya.Mnogo energii.U Montakora own power, and the main base without elektrichestva.Tochnee each with its own generator or batareyki.Snachala thought in my house to do a power plant, then moved to a separate artificial island, but more on that on day 4 =) First versiya.Energii does little. These were all major events we have 3 dnya.S: AGMA (hism45) Montakor (Montakor97) Bestboy (_BestBoy_) Axis (Axus4st) Nikita dish network (Hukutoss) Rockstar (lRockStarl) Misha (we9697) Orion (OrionShah) I =) Thank you all, fourth day tomorrow =)
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