Israel's goal, as it seems - to attract as long as possible until at least September to November, 2014. Then, will the U.S. midterm elections and Israel can claim the full validity of President Obama is a 'lame duck' and in any case can not move anything until they know who is or is the next U.S. president / e. In short breathing space / crunch until January 2017.
Meeting opposition MKs, coordination and organization of Yechiel Bar (work) with Abbas in Ramallah Bmokata, at 13:00. Except for a symbolic act there is nothing (if the work so wish could place the blame on the current phase of the crisis on the Israeli government, but none of them that way)
Expiration of his term as President Award - July 27, 2014
About Tal Schneider
Journalist and political blogger, has the 'Fallujah political 337 blog. Former reporter for Ma'ariv Washington. Companies, Google excellence award winner digital collaboration site appeared Haaretz, living room, to - Order and more. Articles and interviews of Tal appeared 337 in Ma'ariv, Globes and other media
Comments 337 from Facebook
It seems extreme rightwing lunatic and delusional again plotting against the peace and progress. One can only hope that Abu Mazen, Kerry and Obama will stand like a fortified wall and force the longed-for peace refuseniks, they take what they ... question "Is released murderers"? 337 Since that throughout this process, the only thing for which he fought the Palestinians without compromise, was the release of murderers, 337 you can bet for sure a hundred percent right, indeed, should reach an understanding on the Go Hshihotzt, then this time will be released murderers (just as in the three previous rounds, where unavoidable, because - what's the proper 337 name than to call them that - by the way, Shtin change., without sarcasm).
What is murderers? I know what it murder, I know what it's terrorists, but what's murderers? Would you agree that I read Territories raped Mans? Or tell it disrespect the victims?
Murderers are people that murder is their second nature. Adam repeated 337 killings or who want to return them (eg, terrorist ...). Selection as "murder" those people, it is more correct than "murderers" 337 grammatically and factually. Stahl rope fixing.
So Dear Uri, appreciate your efforts, but he apparently did say "We want peace, that's great" or "Dog Beejy were all day" and other major currencies Arabic 337 impressive rightwinger your friends play day and night, still not provide a guarantee of control in Arabic. You'll have to work a little harder.
Dear politically, on the ground that you are constantly emits statements without basis and does not answer to anything, you can probably last preach to others about the mistakes. But I think there's even a mistake of Mr. Uri - he never argued that the right know Arabic but rather claimed they did not know Arabic. He just said that most of the Arabic-speaking Jewish Israeli right-wing.
Jonathan, of course Dyke, and you, of course, to be precise - but he unfortunately missed the stroke of your biggest heart: letter came from the office of one minister, shown you as the representative of the knowledge of the political camp of so many millions ... I'll tell you a secret, even if the letter Bennett was drafted by Ibn Khaldun, and includes original texts of Hadith (check google what that later ...), it would not mean that the right controls in Arabic., you see, one does not represent the whole. proficiency in Arabic in Israel is very weak. It Regardless of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Arab-speaking Jews, they are right.
Ltd.Welcome gates of politics and especially the doors of the Holocaust whose memories will invoke the Israelis Sorry Jews next week my perspective which I also wrote Sfronzik brief is difficult to understand the Holocaust without Hvennt American Holocaust Zsa Please 337 ask Netanyahu what his father did to save Jews during the Holocaust when he was in America greetings from Manhattan
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RT @ AmirBenDavid: Here is the interview. Worth reading. Text still win a mythical status in the history of the Hebrew press 58 minutes ago RT @ MotherJones: Poll: 46% of Americans live in a world of pure imagination http:// / GRHjeEKnto 58 minutes ago RT @ RotemShtarkman: Who is allowed to adopt the security official title? This command has the IDF? 3 hours ago RT @ thedailybeast: Hard to understand how 200 girls can be kidnapped. Even harder to fathom that there are no leads. # Bringbackourgirls htt ... 4 hours ago RT @ aconadav: @ Einavschiff @ talschneider Ya'alon and Torch Games Chicken: 4 hours ago
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