As witnessed by archaeological facts, drums Siberian shamanism and the cult of red toadstool among the oldest twitch tv forms of this planet-wide phenomenon. About the millennial history of the cult of red toadstool witnessed the discovery of rock engravings or so-called petroglifov in the middle 60s in the north-eastern coast of Siberia by Russian anthropologist NN Dikov ranks in the time of the Bronze Age. But most of all interesting images of people, mostly women, from which the head driven by these magical hats sprinkled with white dots. In addition twitch tv to these petroglifov were elsewhere in Siberia discovered rock art with similar motifs, which are by their finders ranked in the same period of time as Dikov - Bronze Age. These small petroglifi, no more than a few centimeters, showing many images of people and animals in contact with the sponge, which, according to Gordon Wasson mycology represents also a red mushroom. As regards twitch tv the assumption of primeval Siberian shamanism, which is the most widespread, is expected to be the latter by L. Vajda assimilation of the oldest cultures twitch tv of the north and south, and as shown by the carbons is not older than the Bronze Age. Even mycology Gordon Wasson has studied the origins of the cult is red toadstool in conjunction with an unknown identity Some, magic plants, which according to ancient records Rig-Veda played a central role religion twitch tv has in ancient Eurasian communities.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Siberian shamanism one who is generally regarded as the prototype of all other forms. The very word shaman originally twitch tv comes from the language of the Siberian Tungus tribe and means "to twitch tv know", but refers to a person who is spiritually twitch tv "elevated" or "moved". In addition to the language of origin is a universal element of the so-called shamanism shamanistic cosmos, penetrated by the center, the so-called axis or axis mundi of the world, which divides the world into three main spheres - Heaven, Earth and the Underworld. In the mythologies of Siberian peoples that symbolizes the cosmic axis of the birch tree, also called the Tree of Life or the Sacred Tree. This is done through the central aperture, a hole through it on the ground come the gods and the dead from the underworld, and through that same hole shamans soul in ecstasy entry up or down in the direction of their celestial journeys or underground. According to Wasson goes Siberian cosmology due to the fact that in symbiosis with birch or below the red mushroom grows also, the effect of which allows entry into this cosmic center.
Universal symbolism of the cosmic center complements the division shamanic cosmos in the already mentioned three worlds (upper - Nebo, lower - and middle Underground or the everyday world - Earth), which are typical for most archaic cosmology. twitch tv As far as cosmology Siberian tribes, the shamans visit each of these three spheres unique purpose and goal. In the upper world to realize the wisdom of the higher spiritual twitch tv beings or teachers, or have healing powers for certain diseases that plagued his people, while in the lower world, is faced with dark forces and demons that cause these diseases and other problems in the community . Shamans are on their travels to other worlds most often confronted with the ghosts of those animals or plants, which are surrounded in their everyday natural environment in which to gain their allies and protectors (for the upper world are, for instance. Characterized by visions of ghosts birds the lower world, the spirits of snakes, etc..). These they also help in the treatment of disease, survival and crisis situations in the community. In the everyday twitch tv world of mid-shaman should take care of the material survival of the body. The soul that was embodied, was sent to this fact natural world for a specific purpose, it is necessary to take care of its physical form or body, without which the material twitch tv world itself can not exist and to function. In various mythologies of these three worlds have assembled from the individual stages, which overcomes the shaman to travel to the target.
Such a structure shamanic cosmos is very much akin to the majority of the later forms of beliefs, twitch tv in which the world is divided into three similar spheres. This tells the old-Greek myth of the hero Eru, which tells of encounters souls in the afterlife, which came and went through the openings in the sky and the underworld. The same structure of the cosmos (Heaven-Earth-Hell) was also adopted by some of the monotheistic twitch tv religions, such as Christianity. Slovenian philosopher Mark Uršič in his book The Gnostic twitch tv essays discuss the possibility of entering into the Beyond twitch tv in "The possibility of Jacob's ladder". It describes the experience patriarch Jacob in the Old Testament, which is the grueling journey before going to bed lined stone under his head and fell asleep on it. In unusual visionary dream that he had, he experienced a vision of the ladder, which dropped from heaven to earth, and by which they descend the angels at the top of the ladder appeared to him by God and blessed him, and the people of Israel. When Jacob awoke from these visionary dreams, the stone that he had under his head, placed as a monument to this revelation, he spilled the oil i
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