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The day is a normal boy, but at night it turns into Pyjaman. In this new adventure ard game point and click control your character and help him to fight with bad dreams. Bring him a peaceful sleep. Only uses the mouse to solve all the puzzles that await you.
The free flash games Pyjaman N12633, ard is part of the category point and click and add the t 29-08-2014. This game does a cre by unknown author Add to Favorites Report a problem Talk on chat All flash games Similar games: Grow Island Grow Nano Grow Nano Vol.3 Vol.1 Game comments Pyjaman ard
Add comment for the game Pyjaman This does not stop the game Your name Your message (255 characters) enter this code here: Share this flash game with your friends: Your message (optional) Add this flash game on your blog, myspace , or website. Simply copy the game code below: <table border = "0"> <tr> <td align = "center"> <a href = "http: // /12633.html 'target =' _blank '> <img src = "http: //" border = "0" alt = "flash games Pyjaman"> < / a> <a <br> href='' ard target='_blank' flash title="Jeux in ligne"> Pyjaman </a> < / td> </ tr> </ table> glimpse of rsultat: ard Pyjaman Adding ard in bbcode for forums: [url=][img][/img][/url]
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